Dryads: Spirits of the Trees

I am very, very pleased to announce that I will be writing a *fourth* book for Abbeville Press, which is provisionally titled, “Dryads: Spirits of the Trees.”

The subject is spirits distilled from the sap or nectar of trees, which are found all over the world but remain curiously absent from the international spirits conversation. I will be profiling producers of every single type that I have been able to find – from Sweden to Sri Lanka, from Bali to Benin, and from Manila to Montreal – telling the stories of their categories, and offering cocktail recipe suggestions. My hope is to raise the profile of these products, which in some cases have been made for centuries; and to build a kind of category consciousness among their producers. Eagle-eyed observers will note that this was also the subject of the seminar I moderated at Tales of the Cocktail last summer, and the goals are very much the same. (That seminar is recorded here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CcQsFgi3-8.)

(This is only a rough draft of the cover design, but I like it!)

“Dryad” is the general category term I'm pushing to describe these spirits. The word comes from Greek mythology, in which “dryads” were, literally, spirits of trees, and it was independently suggested to me by two people, both of them poets.

Although most of these spirits have their own names already – arrack, lambanog, etc. – we're hoping to establish “dryads” as an umbrella descriptor, in the same way that the word “brandy” (on its own or modified) is understood to cover all kinds of fruit distillates, from Cognac to grappa to slivovitz. So e.g., "dryads" would be the label for the section of the liquor store or spirits menu where you'd find the arrack and the ogogoro; and if somebody in Indiana started distilling black walnut syrup, one might call it a “black walnut dryad” in the absence of any other word for it.

This book will be unlike anything I've ever written, and the subject matter has, to my knowledge, never been covered in this way or anything close to it before. I am very excited, and very grateful to Abbeville for the chance to tell some stories that are too seldom heard.

The blog may be a little less active for a bit, not only because I’m working on this book, but also because I’ll be doing a lot of traveling for it. Last month I took a road trip through Quebec (with my dad!) to visit producers of acerum, the local maple distillate, and came home with a massive haul of the stuff to experiment with. Next week, I embark on a round-the-world trip that will bring me also to the dryad-producing countries of the Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, as well as the dryad-consuming cities of Singapore, Rome, and London (and also Istanbul, but that’s mainly because it was the easiest way to get from Sri Lanka to Italy – they don’t drink a lot of dryads there).

As always, thank you all for your support. I will see you on the other side!

Bumblebee's Bliss

I have the good fortune to have a favorite tree. It's an ornamental cherry outside my bedroom window, at just the right height that I don't have to look *up* to see its branches, but can simply look out into them.

It doesn't bloom every year, and I never really noticed it in the springtime until covid, when I suddenly found myself spending all of April stuck in that room and staring out the window. It bloomed magnificently that year, and persisted through a late snow that lay heavy on its delicate blossoms.

I have looked forward to this time every year since then. I used to not like the spring, which in Massachusetts can feel like a stunted and muddy half-season between the more substantial winter and summer. This tree was not the only reason I changed my mind, three decades into living in New England – I adore lilacs as well – but I owe a lot of my newfound appreciation for spring to this, my favorite tree.

This morning, I felt compelled to try to capture some of its bounty with my camera. While crouched at the window, trying to take it all in without getting too much of the window frame in the shot, I noticed a whole bunch of big, hefty bumblebees meandering among its branches – many more than I've seen in a single day so far this year. I felt inspired to create a cocktail suitable to such a perfect vernal moment.

Naturally, it had to use some sort of cherry. I considered maraschino liqueur as an ingredient, but settled on kirschwasser as a base spirit instead. I favor its use in cocktails more strongly than most; when surveying the cocktail books in my house for inspiration, I rapidly determined that the books I own with the most kirsch recipes are those that I’ve written myself.

I have also recently been playing with El Guapo's rose cordial, which quite honestly might be their best product, and I say that as someone who keeps several of the others on hand at all times. I tasted it at Tales of the Cocktail last summer and brought a bottle home with me, despite having no particular idea what to do with it – I just wanted to make sure I'd be able to taste it again.

The recipe was taking shape. The name that had risen to the surface of my mind was “Bumblebee's Bliss,” and I wanted to create a drink that the namesake bees might enjoy if they drank cocktails. It should be floral, without trying too hard or having too many other distractions. Bumblebees are content with raw ingredients; such complexity as there is in this recipe is a compromise for a human audience. I also elected to skip the honey one might expect in a bee-themed recipe, because it isn't nearly as big a part of life for bumblebees as it is for honeybees.

In the end, I'm quite pleased with this recipe. My first instinct was 1.5:.75:.5 kirsch:lemon:rose and one dash of orange bitters. An aroma check before shaking persuaded me to add another ¼ oz. of the rose cordial. And one more persuaded me to add the rest of the juice of the lemon I had, which brought the total to about 7/8 oz. I do think that the extra lemon was probably unnecessary, so while this was a delicious drink as initially mixed, I'd be more likely to make it in the future using the recipe below. I also think it could stand a little more kirsch, but then, I think that about many cocktails.

Bumblebee's Bliss
1.5 oz. kirschwasser
.75 oz. lemon juice
.75 oz. rose cordial (El Guapo if at all possible)
1 dash orange bitters

Shake with ice for ~10 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass. Photograph in front of your favorite tree.

A Cocktail for Stanley Tucci

Editorial note: This was originally written – and very nearly completed – on May 29th, 2022, two days after Tucci’s video was posted. For reasons obscure even to me, I did not publish it at the time. Upon review in February 2024, I have added photographs and the third footnote, and made minor edits for clarity. Otherwise, this is a faithful representation of my original thoughts on the topic:

Stanley Tucci recently posted a charming Instagram video of him making cocktails for his Searching for Italy crew. I enjoyed watching it, as I’ve generally enjoyed his pivot to culinary travelogues and his high-profile interest in mixing cocktails at home. This video, in particular, lends itself to the kind of objectively unnecessary (and lengthy!) academic analysis that I know my readers crave – in no small part because it concerns the Martini, that most analyzed and most analyzable of classic cocktails. What follows is a case study I simply couldn’t resist undertaking, which concludes with a recipe recommendation for Mr. Tucci and anyone with a similar taste in cocktails.

(Before proceeding, I recommend watching the above video in its entirety. It’s a hair under six minutes, and would be very enjoyable even if it didn’t provide a pretext for me to discuss mixological theory.)

Tucci’s Martini technique is as follows: First, he pours dry vermouth into a mixing glass with ice. All told, he stirs it for about 20-25 seconds. Then he strains off the liquid, the goal having been to just slightly flavor the ice with the vermouth. He then adds gin to the remaining ice and stirs for another 20-25 seconds (throwing appropriate shade at James Bond for taking his Martinis shaken).* Then he strains it into stemmed glasses, expresses lemon peels over the top, and then drops the peels in.

Cocktail recipes should suit the purposes for which they are intended. A Tom Collins is meant to be refreshing and sat with for a while, so we serve it in a big glass with lots of ice and emphatically more seltzer than gin; an Earthquake is a slow sipper and a reminder that Lautrec could drink us all under the table, a challenge as much as a beverage, so we serve it bone dry and at room temperature.

Tucci says several things that suggest the purpose for which his Martini recipe is intended:

“You don’t want to have too much vermouth…you don’t want to overpower the gin.”

“Now this has sat, because what you don’t want is for the drink to be too, as they say, ‘hot.’”

“Taste the alcohol, but you want that to be something that is subdued.”

“You’re going to get all the flavors of the gin, with a hint of the vermouth.”

Between these statements and the technique he used, we can do a little triangulation to get to the intent behind the drink.

It would appear that Tucci is in the market for something that is both gin-forward and refreshing, even veering on crushable. His recipe produces a highly diluted cocktail. The Martini’s savory side has been dispensed with in favor of the bright citrusy one. To the extent that the vermouth contributes flavor, it is slight – less even than the lemon peel, particularly because the latter is dropped into the glass and will continue to in infuse into the cocktail over time. The core of the recipe is the Tanqueray Ten, proofed down to a drinkable strength (again, not too hot!) and only lightly seasoned with flavors which complement those in the gin: lemon and a hint of dry vermouth.

Regular readers know that this is not how I would make a Martini.** However, I have a different purpose in mind. For me, a Martini is an evening drink, big and bracing, preprandial in the Emburian tradition of cocktails. I like mine hot, and I like vermouth; I would rather balance my Martini by adding more vermouth flavor as a counterpoint to the gin than by lowering the proof to reduce the presence of the gin.

Tucci appears to be after something else. At two in the afternoon on a seaside Italian terrace, I would sooner have his drink than my own – and I would be more willing to have a second round as well. (Granted, for the stated purpose I would probably pick a different cocktail, but that’s immaterial to this exercise.)

Tucci’s recipe also provides a window into his personal tastes. I am reminded of his famous Negroni video from early in the pandemic, in which he mixed it 2:1:1 rather than equal parts, and shook it rather than stirring or building. It seems reasonable to infer that Tucci is a gin fan, and will want it to be more rather than less present in his cocktails. It also appears that he prefers more dilution in his drinks in general than I do. Remember, shaking dilutes more rapidly than stirring does, and since we usually do them for comparable lengths of time, shaking will in practice dilute more in total than stirring does. For me, the purpose of the Negroni is akin to that of an Old Fashioned: I want to sit with it for a while, and I want it to start spirit-forward and gradually open up as the ice melts. For Tucci, it’s a closer cousin to, for instance, the Corpse Reviver #2: something in the Craddock school of drinks, which are meant to be “drunk quickly, while [they’re] still laughing at you.” That’s why he serves it up rather than on the rocks, and although I would probably stir it rather than shaking if that were my goal, shaking is an efficient way to achieve a slightly lower-ABV result. I should note as well that Tucci and I (and many bartenders) are in agreement that the Negroni often tastes better 2:1:1 than 1:1:1, which, among the choices he makes that one might contest, is the one that has the greatest impact on the drink’s flavor.

If I can hazard a reasonable guess at Tucci’s cocktail tastes from these two videos, I believe I have a recipe recommendation for him. It’s a drink that may or may not have been invented by John Steinbeck (sources differ; it may have been one of his friends), but was in any case first published by him in his novella Sweet Thursday, the sequel to Cannery Row:

Webster F-Street Layaway Plan
2 oz. Gin
1/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
Lemon Peel
Rinse glass with Chartreuse. (Note: 1/4 oz. of Chartreuse is more than you’ll need to rinse the glass, but do NOT pour out the excess; this drink wants the full 1/4 oz.)
Shake gin with ice for 10-12 seconds and strain into rinsed glass. Express lemon peel over the top and drop in.

Steinbeck, alas, didn’t give specific proportions – he just described his drink as a Martini with Chartreuse instead of the vermouth. It’s unclear what style of Martini he had in mind. But the above, which is my go-to way of making it, tracks with Tucci’s approach. Shaking dilutes the gin efficiently; this proofed-down spirit becomes the core of the drink. The Chartreuse will be a bit more present than Tucci’s vermouth, both because it is a stronger flavor inherently and because rinsing the glass (and retaining the excess) incorporates it more directly than rinsing the ice does.***

For me personally, this is what I would make when I wanted something gin-forward but not excessively hot, with subtle citrus and herbal additions. Mr. Tucci, if you’re listening, give this one a try!

*In the video, he then rolls the drink from the mixing glass into a series of shakers in order to find one that will fit the strainer he has. This is a consequence of his being on location with limited tools, and therefore I’m not including it as part of his technique, but for what it’s worth it does push the drink even further in the diluted/refreshing direction which seems to be the overall goal.

**For the benefit of irregular readers: 3 parts gin, 1 part dry vermouth, 1 dash orange bitters, stir 10-12 seconds, strain into a cocktail glass, express a lemon peel over the top and discard.

***I’ll be honest, when I first saw Tucci’s vermouth technique, I thought, “There’s no way that contributes any vermouth flavor to the cocktail; you’re just pouring off all the vermouth.” But then I remembered Dave Arnold’s discussion of what he calls “holdback” in Liquid Intelligence: after shaking or stirring a cocktail with ice, some percentage of the mixture will adhere to the surface of the cubes as the rest is strained off. He calculates the holdback percentage to be 1-4% of the total drink for large rectangular cubes cut from block ice, or 7-9% of the total for smaller ice made by an ice machine.

Tucci stirred an ounce of vermouth in his mixing glass, which means that if Arnold’s percentages hold, anywhere from .01 oz. to .09 oz. of the vermouth could remain on the ice when he’s done. Since the outermost layer of the cubes will be the first to mix into the gin when he reuses that ice, he might theoretically get all or nearly all of that vermouth into the drink. It may not sound like much, but according to Don Lee, there are about 41 dashes of Angostura bitters to the ounce, making one dash of Angostura about .024 oz. So again, depending on the ice, Tucci’s Martini could have the rough equivalent of anywhere from 1/2 – 3 1/2 dashes of dry vermouth…per 6 oz of gin (he said he was making two of them), which is to say 1/4 – 1 3/4 dashes per Martini.

Now, that may be just enough vermouth left behind on the ice to impart some flavor to the finished drink. But I am also reminded of what my dear friend Alexander said to me when I shared this video with him, which was, “Stanley Tucci has contrived an entirely new way to not put vermouth in your cocktail.” Even the Webster F-Street Layaway Plan, which is astoundingly dry by most standards, has somewhere between eight and seventy-five times more Chartreuse per unit of gin than Tucci’s Martini has of vermouth.

Home Bar Staples: Brandy

Let's talk about brandy.

It's one of the major spirits classes. Major. It should be in your regular rotation if you're serious about making cocktails at home. It's essential for the Sidecar, which David Embury rated as one of the six cocktails everyone should be able to make. It's one of the ingredients that made the grade for chapter one of The Cocktail Seminars and figures in 10% of the recipes (and the same percent in Classic Cocktails!), which is slightly less than rye whiskey and slightly more than bourbon. It's the base spirit in the Japanese, which we're fairly sure was an original recipe by Jerry Thomas, author of the very first bartender's guide; and it's half of the split base in the Vieux Carré, one of the most beloved cocktails to return to prominence in the renaissance period.

It is, however, not at the top of the list for a lot of home bartenders. Some of that is due to our collective failure to properly educate the public about the wonders of brandy cocktails – and, in all fairness, to the very effective public education that's been done by some of the other major categories – but I think another issue is price.

I wasn't shy in The Cocktail Seminars about proposing that one might want to spring for a pricey bottle, even for mixing purposes. I got that suggestion from David Wondrich, who is sound on just about everything. It also wasn’t just brandy getting special treatment: I made an analogous suggestion about Irish whiskey and, for that matter, about Chartreuse.*

When compared with ordering brandy cocktails at a bar, you still come out very far ahead financially when mixing at home with an expensive bottle. But that, of course, is only a persuasive argument if you are already inclined to consume brandy cocktails. Nobody wants to drop ninety bucks on an unfamiliar spirit just so they can a. decide whether they like it, and b. proceed to mix it into a series of drinks to see whether they like them.

That's what workhorse-priced spirits are for. My recommendation has historically been that spirits for the home bar are best priced between $30-$40. Even with recent inflation, that's still mostly true. Some categories (rum, vodka) run a little less expensive for the target quality; some run pricier, like mezcal and brandy.

A quick terminology review: “brandy” is the general term for spirits distilled from fermented fruits, although if the fruit is unspecified, it’s understood to refer to grape brandy specifically. That is, a recipe that wants you to use apple brandy will say “apple brandy,” while a recipe that wants you to use grape brandy will say “brandy.” Cognac and Armagnac are grape brandies made in France in the regions with which they share names according to distinctive local processes; these are not the only French brandies, but they are the best-known of the French brandy subcategories. Spain and California are other major brandy-producing regions. Pisco, produced in Chile and Peru, is also a grape brandy, but the vast majority of it is unaged, whereas the European and American expressions are overwhelmingly aged in oak barrels. Cocktail recipes that call for “brandy” are referring to aged brandy; if pisco is desired, the recipe will always say “pisco” rather than “brandy.”

Got all that? Let’s talk Cognac terminology for a minute, then, because Cognacs have historically been very popular in brandy cocktails. They’re generally full-bodied, but they’re also team players, where (for instance) Armangac can be more pugnacious.

Cognacs are classified by age. A VS Cognac is at least two years old, VSOP at least four, and XO at least ten. Age does not necessarily mean quality when comparing across brands – a better-made VS will taste better than a lower-quality VSOP, etc. – but within a given brand, older Cognacs do tend to be more appealing than younger ones.

A decade ago, you could reliably get Courvoisier VSOP for under $40, and it was 100% my go-to recommendation for mixing brandy cocktails at home. It had the right combination of presence and elegance, of phenols and fruits, to serve as the backbone of a brandy cocktail. These days, it’s hard to find even the younger VS expression of Courvoisier at that price point.

I’ve never found a replacement I was as confident about recommending as the Courvoisier VSOP back then.** This has nagged at me. I have a workhorse spirit brand to recommend in every other major category, and often more than one. Why not brandy?

So, I finally decided to answer this question experimentally. I bought four bottles of brandy that I could get for under $30, tasted them side-by-side, and then mixed them all into Brandy Alexanders, which I tasted fresh and again after sitting out for a little while. My findings are below, but first, let me walk through the brands I chose:

Courvoisier VS Cognac
375ml for $19.49
I trust Courvoisier’s products, based on my previous experience with the VSOP, and a full 750 of the VS can still (sometimes) be found for about $40, which is the upper end of my target price range for workhorse spirits. It seemed worth a shot to give it a try.

Courvoisier VSOP Cognac
75ml for $27.49
This was a control group to some extent, because I already know it’s good. But it’s also the case that if you don’t make brandy cocktails terribly often, a 375 of this isn’t too much of an outlay on a price-per-bottle basis, even if the price per ounce compares unfavorably to the rest of these.

St Remy VSOP Brandy
750ml for $12.99
A recommendation from various corners of the internet for a good quality but inexpensive French brandy. It’s not made in the Cognac region and doesn’t get the Cognac name, so it ends up a lot less expensive than similar-quality Cognacs with the same age statements, which it apparently often outperforms in blind tastings. At thirteen bucks a bottle, I figured it was worth finding out!

E & J Brandy XO
750ml for $11.99
When I first started drinking brandy in college, it was E&J, which is one of the cheapest brandies out there. That’s not as much of a red flag as it may sound like. The floor on brandy’s quality is higher than it is for other spirits categories – bring me the cheapest brandy and the cheapest vodka, rum, or whiskey you can find, and I will drink the brandy 100% of the time – and in any event, I have some fond feelings for the E&J brand. I had never even known they had an XO expression before, never mind tried it; I reckoned it was probably their best product, and I should give it a try if only for old times’ sake.

The words:images ratio in this post is 1150:1 – that’s good, right?

Tasting Notes: Straight

Courvoisier VS
A little hot, woodier than it is raisiny – woodier in fact than the VSOP, which makes me suspect that they're aging it in newer barrels.
Burns the tongue a little, even at only 40%.

Courvoisier VSOP
Slightly hotter than I remembered, actually, but it smooths out on the finish. Richer-tasting than its viscosity or sweetness would suggest. Raisiny.
Easily and by far the most interesting and complex finish of the four. Lingers nicely after the swallow. Finishes hotter and raisinier than the VS. Sensation on the tongue is more of a prickle than a burn.

St. Remy VSOP
Reads too hot for me. Left in too much of the heads in distillation; too terpinaceous. Something almost lemony. But, tasting it again after the Courvoisier VS, it's got more interesting flavor going on, at least.

Tastes almost artificial, somehow. Reminds me of fake grape (a whisper of it) and of liqueurs that come in plastic bottles – think cheap triple sec.
It's the least hot of the four, which is bizarre to me. It makes me wonder about sweeteners and additives; they're all the same damn proof.

Tasting Notes: Brandy Alexander, freshly made

As a reminder, the Brandy Alexander (as I make it, at least) consists of 1 oz. brandy, 1 oz. crème de cacao, and 1½ oz. light cream or half-and-half, shaken with ice and strained into a cocktail glass, with a sprinkle of grated nutmeg on top. All four of these were made the same way.

Courvoisier VS
A damn fine Brandy Alexander; no surprises here, good or bad. Not that far off the mark of the VSOP.

Courvoisier VSOP
Still my gold standard of what this drink should taste like. Well balanced and harmonized; more than the sum of its parts.

St. Remy VSOP
Initial thoughts: Actually pretty good! No issues with that lemony quality I noticed in the straight tasting, which surprises me a bit; I was expecting a very obvious clash between that and the chocolate and cream.
Further thoughts after tasting the other three: This makes a phenomenal Brandy Alexander. It lacks the raisininess of the Courvoisiers – not a bad thing here.

That fake taste punches through. Distinguishable from the others, and not in a good way.

Tasting Notes: Brandy Alexander, after sitting out for a while

Courvoisier VSOP
“That's perfect.”

Courvoisier VS
A little rougher around the edges than the VSOP.

St Remy VSOP
Ditto, but also, “This is a really [expletive]ing stellar Brandy Alexander. I could drink ten of these.”

That artificial note is still there! It tastes like something they would add to dried fruit to keep it tasting “fresh” longer. Don't like it.***

Overall, the Courvoisier VSOP is still *exactly* what I want a Brandy Alexander to be, tastewise, even after half an hour or so. The VS and the St. Remy are also both rock solid, they're just not quite as on point as the VSOP. Still, if you handed me any of these without the other two to try side-by-side, I'm not sure I could tell you which one was which. If anything, the St. Remy version gained on the others the longer I let them sit.

As for the E&J XO: Look, I still don't like it. But if I were served it in a Brandy Alexander at a party, I wouldn't taste it and go, “oh, they used a cheap brandy in this.” I might be able to call out the E&J by taste now, having gone through this exercise, but two days ago I couldn't have done that. I do think I would have switched to a different cocktail for my next round if one were available, but I would have finished the E&J drink (I did this time!), and I wouldn't have refused a second if that was all there was. And it wouldn't have been obvious to me that the unpalatable thing in the mixture was the brandy as opposed to one of the other ingredients.

All this is to say, if you’re just dipping your toe into the waters of mixing brandy cocktails at home, the $20 Courvoisier VS and the $13 St. Remy VSOP both seem like pretty damn good choices. The Courvoisier VSOP is better – and it’s leagues better if you’re drinking it straight – but is it worth the money for the brandy cocktail neophyte? No, probably not. It isn’t four times better than the St. Remy VSOP, even though it’s four times the price; for that matter, the Courvoisier VS isn’t three times better than the St. Remy, despite being thrice as expensive.

If I had to make a call right now, I’d say that Courvoisier VSOP is perfect for someone like me, who loves brandy cocktails, nevertheless isn’t going through the bottle all that quickly (and so can get by with a 375), and can maybe distinguish the VSOP from the VS on a good day. But for everybody else, including me on most days, the Courvoisier VS and the St. Remy VSOP are perfectly solid brandies for mixing cocktails at home, and the St. Remy is easily the best value for the money.

What I would want to do next is taste St. Remy against Courvoisier in a more brandy-forward cocktail, and see if the difference is still so slight. The Sidecar would be the obvious choice, maybe the Champs-Elysees. I am basically certain that a Japanese or a Brandy Flip would be comparably delicious with either – both of those shake the brandy with rich, viscous ingredients with lots of deep phenolic flavors, just like the Brandy Alexander does, and what worked here should work just as well there. Stay tuned for another side-by-side comparison in Part 2!

*My recommendations ran north of $60 a bottle in both of those cases at the time, and recently Chartreuse has gotten much more expensive.

** In my own bar, I’ve most recently used Gensac, which is enjoyable and appropriately priced; but I think it’s only available in Massachusetts, and even here I’ve only ever seen it at one store.

***I was making a big batch of egg nog at approximately the same time that I was doing these side-by-side tests, and I disliked this note so strongly, in fact, that I decided not to mix any of it into the egg nog, not even to use it up. I didn’t want that note anywhere near it.

TOTC: Spirits of the Trees

Friends, I'm pleased to announce that this year, for the first time ever, I will be moderating a panel at Tales of the Cocktail!

This is a longstanding dream of mine, and I'm particularly excited about the seminar that finally got me there, which is called Spirits of the Trees: Acerum, Arrack, and Ogogoro.

(If that's all the sales pitch you need to come to the conference, my seminar is on Wednesday the 26th at 2:45pm, and you can get your tickets here. Otherwise, read on!)

Spirits of the Trees
The world is full of fermentable sugars, but most distilled spirits we encounter are made from only a handful of plants. We all love barley, grapes, and the rest of the usual suspects, but have you ever felt like there must be more out there? I sure have – I've had a minor obsession with spirits made from other agricultural products for at least a decade, and I'm finally putting that to good use with this seminar, which focuses on spirits made from the sap of trees. They have centuries of history and are made all over the world, but good luck finding them at your local liquor store.

I've pulled together a panel of sap spirit producers from three major traditions: Sri Lanka's arrack, which is made from coconut palm; Nigeria's ogogoro, which is made from raffia palm and oil palm; and Quebec's acerum, which is made from sugar maple. The panelists, respectively, are:

Seminar participants will taste the flagship products of the distilleries (and see how they're used in cocktails), hear how they're made, and learn their histories. The producers will then take audience questions and discuss common experiences and challenges in a roundtable format. No seminar like this has ever been offered before, anywhere – nothing has even come close.

My goal, my dream, my vision is that spirits made from tree sap will come to develop a kind of category consciousness, a sense of kinship and commonality despite the differences in the details, in the way that spirits made from fruits or cereals have; and that people will look back on this seminar as the moment when that began. If you would like to be part of that history, I remind you that you can register here (you'll want the Wednesday 7/26 day pass; Tales isn't selling tickets to individual seminars this year): https://whova.com/portal/registration/tales_202307

Lots more to come on what I have cooking for Tales of the Cocktail 2023 (this isn’t the end of it!) and on tree spirits in general. If you want to keep abreast of new developments, now is a swell time to sign up for the mailing list here: www.herzogcocktailschool.com/mailing-list

And also to follow the official HCS Instagram page: @herzog_cocktail_school

Tune in for the Spirited Awards tonight!

Friends, as mentioned previously, my latest book is up for a Spirited Award at Tales of the Cocktail this year! I’m in New Orleans for the ceremony, but even if you aren’t, I’m pleased to share that you can tune in online for just $15. Virtual access includes a number of the educational seminars as well as the awards ceremony, and you’ll get to see in real time whether I make it from the Top 4 to the Top 1.

Details and registration are here: https://tix.wrstbnd.com/e/l?e=tales22&s=TOTCPACKAGES

The playbill is here: https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=d57b2d11-1f06-4968-9357-1d496d23d525

And if you’d like to buy copies of any of the Top 4 Finalists for Best New Cocktail or Bartending Book, here are purchase links for each of them:

(Note that those are my Bookshop.org affiliate links, so I’ll still make money even if it’s not my book you’re buying. Go to town!)

I hope a lot of you are able to tune in tonight! Either way, I look forward to bringing everything I learn in New Orleans this week back to you in the future. Cheers, and wish me luck!

The Cocktail Seminars is a Top 4 Finalist for a Spirited Award!

I am delighted to announce that my latest book, The Cocktail Seminars, is a Top 4 Finalist for a Spirited Award at Tales of the Cocktail!

Tales of the Cocktail is the largest of the country’s annual cocktail conferences, and one I try to go to every year. It played a significant role in turning my early interest in cocktails into a career. I went in 2012, fresh out of college and fresh off my first, ad hoc cocktail instruction gig, the semester-long series of pre-graduation lessons in grown-up drinking I gave to half a dozen of my friends. Touching down in New Orleans - a city I had never visited before and have loved ever since - for a five-day drinking and drinking-education convention touched off an internal transformation, which took me from “wasn’t that a fun thing I did?” to “how do I get more of this into my life?”

Ten years later, I’m going back again, but this time as a nominee for a Spirited Award. The Spirited Awards are in many way the capstone event of Tales of the Cocktail, and have been described as 'the Oscars of bartending': the hospitality industry's way of recognizing its own on the largest stage available. The company I am keeping in the finalists’ circle is incredible, and very humbling. I’m up against Death and Co.’s third book, and two titles on Japanese bartending - one by a James Beard award winner, and another by a bartender who’s nominated for three other Spirited Awards this year. To say I’m ‘competing’ with them doesn’t feel quite right. Honestly, it’s an honor just to be listed in a group like that.

The playbill is here, if you want to see it for yourself: https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=d57b2d11-1f06-4968-9357-1d496d23d525

If you’ve been following the blog, thank you for your interest and investment in this quixotic project of mine over the years. The whole entire point of my hospitality career has been to bridge the gap between professionals and the public, to ensure that knowledge which is important to the cocktail tradition makes it into the hands of the home bartender and the broader drinking public. I hope that I’ve been able to do that for you, and I appreciate every opportunity you’ve given me to do so.

Something Something "From the Ashes"

I recently discovered the below post, in more-or-less complete form, sitting in my drafts. I had written it in February 2020, and was polishing it when the world went sideways.

Obviously, things have changed a great deal since last year, in the world as a whole and also in the narrow corner of it reflected in this website. The spirits consulting business I mentioned was sidelined by the pandemic; on the other hand, I’ve gotten to write two more books, and developed an online cocktail course that is my closest approximation yet to the kind of experience I’ve been trying to offer since 2012.

I’ve also been much better about posting here than I had been in 2018 and 2019. I haven’t developed the formalized blog series I was mulling in 2020, but I’ve effectively covered the “Back to Basics” one with my posts on recipes for Classic Cocktails, and covered a good chunk of the material for “Workhorse Spirits” along the way. The other ideas you’ll see below are still in my mind, and I think I may just have to pursue them now - reviving this particular post essentially makes it the first in the “From the Archives” series, although whether that’s ironic or apt I’m not quite sure.

I’ve mostly chosen to share the below as a sort of time capsule from just before the pandemic. There is an optimism to it that made so much sense at the time, and that rings strange in retrospect, knowing what was right around the corner. But, with more and more people getting vaccinated, perhaps it’s beginning to be warranted once again. Enjoy.

Let’s try this again.

I knew it had been a long time since last I posted an update. I was aware, in the back of my mind, that it had in fact been far too long, some might even say unconscionably long, since the last time I both started and finished recording a thought on this site.

But I had no idea it had been two years.

So much has happened in that time! I made it to the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel (of eponymous cocktail book fame), and there tasted the finest expressions I’ve ever had of not one but two different classic cocktails. I met one of the authors of the cocktail guide that has had the greatest impact upon my life, bar none, and got him to sign the weathered copy I’d been carting around for seven years. I attended the best spirits history panel I’ve ever seen, as well as a seminar on brand ambassadorship that has genuinely changed the trajectory of my professional life.

My foray into craft spirits distribution turned into three years of growth, exploration, and creative pathfinding throughout Massachusetts. And just since the start of this year, I’ve moved on from that sales role to start my own spirits consulting business.

All of which finally came to a head, persuaded me that the time had come to resume posting to this site in earnest (like my friend Randy over at Summit Sips, who’s also recently reawakened from a lengthy slumber), and having come here to write it, I find:

Two. Years.

I know better than to promise that updates are about to become frequent, per se, but I think I can confidently manage to post more than once every 730 days. Y’know, for a little while, at least.

That’s in no small part because I have a lot bottled up to share, including a lot of previously-begun material that’s already nearly ready for prime time.

So, here’s a preview of what I’d like to put on this site now that the Roaring ‘20s have finally returned. Keep an eye out for the following tags:

  • Back to Basics - A series focusing on true classics done well, with history and commentary as applicable. This is my bread and butter, but it’s not represented proportionally on this website; I’m going to fix that. (Also the name of one of the remarkably few complete digital albums I own.)

  • From the Archives - If every draft post I have at 70-80% readiness had been published on the day it got there, you would never have noticed a gap in the updates to this blog. Often apropos of nothing, I’m going to begin pulling those updates (plus some other, even older ones!) and posting them more or less as they are, filling in only any obvious gaps in the material.

  • Workhorse Spirits - Long promised and little delivered, except in the form of a quick guide with precious little detail. But I have three of them locked and loaded in the aforementioned Archives and more in the pipeline.

  • History of Boston Cocktails - Likewise teased in the past, but never fully fleshed out. The distance between here and there is the greatest for this series, but I have a lengthy list going back to 1840 and quite a lot of material to work with.

And to kick things off, a recipe that’s both thematically appropriate and one of the two fabulous above-mentioned drinks I had at the Savoy:


Corpse Reviver №1
2 oz. Cognac
1 oz. Apple Brandy
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Stir. Strain into a chilled coupe glass. Do not garnish.

Both grape and apple brandy are criminally underrated these days (the latter even more so) - sure, cocktail bars will stock them, but they’re not stalwarts on the menus in the way that gin, whiskey, and even mezcal are these days. And that’s at the places that know what they’re doing! The country is still full of establishments that have missed the memo on the last thirty years. In such places, you can often get a recognizable Martini or Old Fashioned, but God help you if you’re hoping for a halfway decent brandy drink. Unless you’re in Wisconsin, in which case you can drink the signature local Old Fashioned variant to your heart’s content.

In that respect, it’s perhaps fitting that the Corpse Reviver №1 languishes in the shadow of the Corpse Reviver №2, but it’s also dreadfully unfortunate, because this is a lovely drink. The recipe I’ve given follows Harry Craddock’s original from the Savoy Cocktail Book, which I’d say is just about perfect. Some people will prefer a lower proportion of vermouth; others will follow Trader Vic and garnish with a lemon twist. Both are perfectly fine variants, but as a lover of old things and brandies - including the very brandy with which vermouth is fortified - I’m content with the original.

How this particular concoction came to be called a ‘corpse reviver’ has been lost to time. Craddock was the one who established the current numbering scheme, and he famously accompanied this one with the instruction, “To be taken before 11AM, or whenever steam or energy is needed.” But while the №2, with its light color and bright, citrussy flavor, seems like a perfectly plausible brunch cocktail, the №1 is unlikely to revive any corpses until about suppertime.

Dairy & Egg Substitutions

I found working on The Cocktail Seminars interesting and challenging for a lot of reasons. It both tickled and bedeviled my engineer’s brain trying to fit recipes and ingredients into the five seminars subject to the constraints I had placed upon myself - to say nothing of figuring out how to order them once I had. (I imagine that such difficulties are common when building a curriculum from scratch in any subject.)

The sequential nature of the book also presented a challenge. In Classic Cocktails, I expected readers to browse the pages and select recipes to try in any order they saw fit, skipping over any with ingredients they didn’t have or avoided consuming. But this time, I’ve encouraged readers to go in a particular order, to follow the curriculum I’ve laid out and understand each recipe in the context of the ones that came before.

Readers may still choose to jump around, of course, and I expect that many will. But for those who wish to use the book precisely as I intended it, skipping a particular recipe due to a dietary restriction presents a much bigger conundrum than it does in a book without this kind of structure. How, after all, can one build a foundation for future study on the experiential knowledge of a cocktail one has been unable to make?

In reconciling this concern with the desire to include important drinks and ingredients, I have erred on the side of the latter. Egg whites are an essential cocktail ingredient, and I wasn’t going to simply leave them out of the book. But I did make a point of testing out some possible alternatives to egg and dairy products for those who, for medical or personal reasons, do not consume them. Here’s what I’ve found:

Light Cream/Half and Half
Canned coconut milk has the right overall fattiness, texture, and even color to work as a 1:1 substitute for light cream. Its flavor tends to work just fine in cream drinks as well - even the Grasshopper, in which I thought the mint and the coconut would clash badly, turned out just fine!

The tricky part is the aroma off the top of the glass, which in canned coconut milks (particularly inexpensive ones) can end up being somewhat off-putting. I’d say if you’re going to do this, go for a high-quality product, and if there are any off-smells off the top, use an aromatic garnish like nutmeg and be liberal with it.

This would also be my recommendation for a heavy cream substitute, but note that it will come out lighter in body than the recipe intended, and most heavy cream drinks (e.g. Egg Nog, the Ramos Gin Fizz) have a lot more kitchen chemistry going on in them than I’m addressing here, and I can’t be certain that coconut milk would behave the way it needs to for those recipes to work.

This also doesn’t solve your problem if you are unable to have either dairy or coconut (which some but not all people with tree nut allergies are also sensitive to), and I’m afraid I don’t have a good alternative that is both (coco)nut-free and non-dairy. If and when I find one, I’ll add it to the site.

Egg Whites
Bartenders have gotten enthusiastic about aquafaba in recent years as an alternative to egg whites: it’s vegan, it’s safe for people with egg allergies, and in addition to eliminating the waste of egg yolks that is otherwise common in commercial bars, it is often the case that aquafaba is itself a product that would be wasted if it weren’t being used in cocktails.

Fundamentally, it is bean water. Cook beans in water and strain them out, and you have it. Far easier if you get your beans canned is just to use the water that comes in the can with them. It will have enough of the protein from the beans to function as a foam creator. Chickpea water is particularly favored, because it doesn’t have a color or a strong odor of its own.

It will still be brinier than an egg white - probably salty, possibly savory, and consequently not quite as neutral in flavor - but it’s a remarkably close alternative. One ounce will roughly replace an egg white in my experience. Just be advised that it will pair best with spirits and cocktails that can handle that potential bit of savoriness; gin is your friend here.

It’s also worth noting that some people also have allergies to legumes, in which case this will not be a helpful alternative. Again, if I come up with one, I’ll let you know.

Replacing a whole egg is even trickier, but if you can have dairy, you can get something in the general ballpark with an ounce or so of heavy cream - it will at least have fats, proteins, and water, with some tendency to foam, but it won’t be quite the same. And cream substitutes will take you still further away, to the point at which I’d recommend just trying another cocktail instead.

A Note on Almonds
Orgeat is an almond-based syrup, and decidedly a problem for people with tree nut allergies. There are at least some artificially almond-flavored syrups that are advertised as safe for people with nut allergies - Monin, for example - but I have no direct experience with them.

Perhaps more surprising is that Amaretto Disaronno bills itself as allergy-safe, a claim I am sure had to be very thoroughly vetted before their lawyers and insurers allowed it to be made. (Read more here.) Disaronno gets its almond flavor from apricot pits, and its producers are confident that it will not cause allergic reactions, making it a reasonable alternative to syrups if you prefer something less artificial. Note, though, that I have not tested this claim myself, so please sue them and not me if anything goes wrong.

Why share all this now? Well, we have a cocktail class coming up this Friday that will focus on dessert drinks - including two of the most significant cream cocktails, the Grasshopper and the Brandy Alexander. They will be the first two recipes in this Zoom series that have a serious risk of running afoul of participants’ dietary restrictions, and while I was drawing up a post on dairy alternatives, it seemed like I might as well cover the others while I was at it.

So if you’d like to join us for this week’s class, stock up on light cream or coconut milk as applicable, get your tickets here, and I’ll see you at 8pm on Friday!

The Cocktail Seminars

Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome the newest member of the family:


My third book on alcohol, and my third with Abbeville Press, is due to be published in May of this year — if that’s all you need to hear, you can pre-order a copy right here — and this little beauty is the first advance copy.

Of everything I’ve written to date, with the possible exception of this blog, this book is the one that has the most of me in it. It shares an origin with the Herzog Cocktail School and my career in hospitality as a whole: a ‘seminar’ I taught to a group of fellow seniors during my last year of college, in which we met weekly to learn about cocktails and make sure that everyone had at least some idea how to drink like an adult before we graduated.

For that class, I drew up a syllabus of thirty drinks, with the intention of covering 2-3 at each session and getting through the course in a semester. Nothing I’ve ever done has quite captured the high of that class — although I’ve made a career out of trying! — and so, in the years since, I’ve revised the syllabus several times just for the heck of it, and dreamed up 200- and 300-level sequels to what was affectionately known at the time as Mixology 110b.

As it turns out, twelve-week cumulative seminars on cocktails are a harder sell for people not already living on an academic calendar. But thanks to the folks at Abbeville, I’ve been able to collect my curricula into a handsomely bound print edition:


Not one, not two, but five seminars of thirty recipes apiece, each introducing a new suite of techniques and ingredients and building on the ones that came before. Every drink in the book gets a full-page spread discussing its history, its structure, and its technique, analyzing it and laying the groundwork to apply its lessons to other, more complex recipes.

Each seminar takes its inspiration from a particular facet of the cocktail renaissance, focusing on ingredients and recipes that reflect that moment in time, or that impulse. We begin with the canon of survivors, those drinks that made it through the midcentury mixological doldrums, and then dive into the waves of revival and reinvention that succeeded them before landing on the baroque creations of the last few years.


In contrast to most works of mixological theory, I do not attempt to reduce the whole phenomenon of the cocktail to a few template recipes. Instead, I argue for analyzing the individual modifications made to the base spirit in each drink — sweetening, bittering, souring, lengthening, aromatizing, and so on — and trying to understand how those work in practice, so as to capture the beautiful variety of the canon and grasp the foundations from which any repeating recipe structures may emerge. Each drink is consequently presented with a handy chart showing which modifications are being used, and to what degree

In this fashion, we build up an understanding of the cocktail through example and iteration, covering the essential classics and a few second-tier worthies along the way.

Each seminar also employs a limited ingredient menu. This book is intended for the home bartender, not the professional, and I have been careful to minimize the accumulation of dead-weight bottles in your home bar. Each new ingredient introduced in a seminar will appear in at least two of its recipes, and most will appear in more, or be reused in later chapters.

The exceptions are ingredients introduced for assessments, periodic opportunities to test your developing instincts with novel ingredients and situations. Two exercises per seminar (and four in the last seminar) help you keep tabs on your progress. The ingredients of each exercise cocktail are listed, and the chart is included as usual, but the specific proportions are printed upside-down so you have a chance to work through the problem yourself:


Each seminar concludes with a larger version of this, called an examination or final project depending on the nature of the lesson. Each of these features two pages of preparatory information and two pages of discussion of the solution. I've reserved it for the most complex, labor-intensive, or otherwise challenging recipes in the book in a theoretical sense — drinks like the Pearl Diver Punch and the Ramos Gin Fizz.

I am deeply, deeply proud of this book. I have designed it to function best as a curriculum, helping the novice home bartender develop a comprehensive understanding of mixology and grow from the simplicity of the Mint Julep into the confident complexity of flash blended tiki drinks and fat-washed Old Fashioneds on whatever schedule is appropriate for them. If you choose to get a copy (which, again, can be done right here), I will gladly sign it for you as soon as that becomes possible again.

In the meantime, I hope many of you will join us at a special celebratory live cocktail seminar this Friday at 8pm! The material is drawn from chapter one of The Cocktail Seminars, and happens to include the Ward Eight, a drink which excites me so much I have its recipe printed on my Herzog Cocktail School business cards. The other drinks will be the Bronx and the Corpse Reviver No. 1, for a lesson on splitting similar components in a recipe — whether that means citrus juices, fortified wines, or base spirits. You can get more information (and your tickets) here!

An Online Cocktail Class Series

I’m pleased to announce that this spring, for the first time ever, I will be hosting a weekly cocktail seminar online!

For ten Fridays from March to May, I’ll walk participants through the history and preparation of foundational classic cocktails, covering three recipes in each lesson for a total of thirty. You can come to any class for an entertaining and informative evening, or come to all ten for a comprehensive grounding in mixological theory!

We’ll cover the core techniques of shaking, building, and stirring; chilling, dilution, and Arnold’s Fundamental Law of Traditional Cocktails; David Embury’s six basic recipes; and eleven dimensions of flavor and texture which can be used as the building blocks of mixed drink recipes, from sweetening and bittering to lengthening and effervescing. There will be time at the end for a Q&A each week.

Each session will begin at 8pm, and will be conducted over Zoom. Tickets to individual sessions are $35; you can also get a multi-class pass for $90 and pick any three to attend. Register here for the kickoff lesson on March 5th, and here for subsequent classes!

The course will roughly follow the first chapter of my forthcoming book, The Cocktail Seminars, and will conclude just in time for its publication. Seminar all-stars who come to all ten classes will get a free signed copy of the book when it comes out!

Upon registration, you will receive the Zoom access information and a list of ingredients and tools to have ready for the class. If you would like additional assistance, get in touch using this site’s contact page and I can help you set up a spirits delivery order through Drizly and/or a bitters, syrups, and bar tools order through The Boston Shaker.

The full course syllabus is as follows:

  • March 05 - Built Drinks (Old Fashioned, Mint Julep, Hot Toddy )

  • March 12 - Stirred Drinks (Martini/Gibson, Manhattan, Rob Roy)

  • March 19 - Shaken Drinks (Whiskey Sour, Daiquiri, Sidecar)

  • March 26 - Flavorful Sweeteners (Bee's Knees, Jack Rose, Gimlet)

  • April 02 - [Good Friday; No Class]

  • April 09 - Blending Ingredients (Ward Eight, Bronx, Corpse Reviver No. 1)

  • April 16 - Dessert Drinks (Stinger, Grasshopper, Brandy Alexander)

  • April 23 - Long Drinks, Part I (Scotch & Soda, Bourbon Highball, Screwdriver)

  • April 30 - Long Drinks, Part II (Gin Rickey, Tom Collins, Gin Fizz)

  • May 07 - Long Drinks, Part III (Champagne Cocktail, French 75, Mojito)

  • May 14 - Salty, Savory, and Piquant (Margarita, Moscow Mule, Bloody Mary)

Can’t make a session? Not to worry: they'll all be recorded, and you can purchase asynchronous access to the videos of past classes here.

Improved Quaker's Cocktail

I spent a lot of time with the Savoy Cocktail Book when working on recipes for Classic Cocktails. Playing around with the old books is particularly fun when a recipe catches your eye and makes you say, ‘wait, why haven’t I had that before?” This was the case with the Quaker’s Cocktail, an oddly-monikered concoction recorded thus by Harry Craddock:

Quaker’s Cocktail (Savoy)
1/3 Brandy
1/3 Rum
1/6 Lemon Juice
1/6 Raspberry Syrup

I’d never heard of it before, so I didn’t think I could justify including it as a ‘classic’ for the purposes of the book, but something about it struck me. It seemed like it would be good, or could be good. I marked the page for future reference, but I kept thinking about it. Weeks later, once I could begin making non-book cocktails again, I decided to take it for a spin.

Note that Harry Craddock’s measurements are fractions of the overall drink. 3 oz. is a pretty standard size for a cocktail, so you could read the above as:

Quaker’s Cocktail (U.S. Customary Units)
1 oz. Brandy
1 oz. Rum
½ oz. Lemon Juice
½ oz. Raspberry Syrup

Craddock recommends shaking, and I agree. I also feel very confident that this is a drink for an aged rum, not a white one.* I have a bottle of bourbon-barrel aged Granite Coast Rum from New Hampshire which has been my go-to during the lockdown (I had two bottles of it when this started). The Gensac Cognac I’ve been using lately joined it, along with fresh lemon juice and some of that oh-so-tasty homemade raspberry syrup I wrote about a while back.

It…wasn’t quite there. I mean, it was tasty, sure, but something was missing. The pieces didn’t harmonize the way I felt they should.

On the one hand, this meant my original question was answered: I’d never had this drink before because it was merely OK. But on the other hand, I was certain there was a really delicious drink in there somewhere. I just had to find it.

I’ll be honest, my memory of my process is a little shaky at this point. But I know that I took inspiration from Chad Arnholt’s Ward Eight recipe, which is my oft-recommended personal favorite.† To really make the raspberry pop, I dialed it up by a quarter of an ounce. And to bridge the gap between the bright, assertive sour of the fresh lemon juice and the rest of the ingredients, I worked in a bit of orange, and mixed a drink that looked something like this:

Quaker’s Cocktail Variation (Pseudo-Arnholt)
1 oz. Cognac
3/4 oz. Aged Rum
3/4 oz. Raspberry Syrup
1/2 oz. Lemon Juice
1/4 oz. Orange Juice

Shake, strain, serve up.

A couple of things to note here. First of all, people like to hate on orange juice as a cocktail ingredient these days. It’s not as sour as other citrus, it’s not as sweet as other ingredients, the flavor isn’t assertive enough so you have to use too much of it and water down the drink - yadda yadda whatever.

As has been noted by some very intelligent people, oranges today may not taste like they did early in the 20th century, when the Ward Eight and the Blood and Sand were gaining steam. It may be the case that our forebears had access to more cocktail-amenable citrus than we do. But that doesn’t mean we can’t work with what we do have, and fresh orange juice is still a wonderfully fragrant and tasty ingredient. Like any tool, you just have to understand the purpose to which it’s best suited.

In several drinks, the Arnholt Ward Eight among them, orange is a way of adding a little citrus brightness and acidity to a drink that would be overpowered by lemon or lime juice or the oil from a citrus-peel garnish. It’s a subtle addition. If lemon, syrups, and spirits are the building blocks of a drink, orange is the mortar that fills the gaps and makes the recipe work. It isn’t most of what you’ll see; if it’s well done, you may not even notice it’s there. But the role it plays is essential.

Put another way, orange juice doesn’t really work like a juice in mixed drinks. You use it the way you’d use other tricky ingredients, like maraschino, crème de violette, and kirschwasser: a quarter of an ounce at a time, unless you have a very good reason for a heavier pour.

This reasoning led me to this slight interpolation of the Ward Eight, which I doctored further as I went. Craddock was right that the brandy and rum should be equal partners in this, and I rapidly added an extra 1/4 oz of rum to balance it out; that also brought the overall ethanol more into line with the Arnholt Ward Eight, which is designed for a 100º whiskey.

It still needed a finishing touch, so as I often do in that situation, I added a dash of Peychaud’s. That’s when it really started to sing. I made a fresh batch incorporating those adjustments and confirmed its deliciousness:


Improved Quaker’s Cocktail
1 oz. Cognac
1 oz. Aged Rum
3/4 oz. Raspberry Syrup
1/2 oz. Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 oz. Fresh Orange Juice
2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters

Shake. Double strain into a chilled coupe.

This is the drink I was looking for when I first spotted the Quaker’s Cocktail in the Savoy. I knew it was in there somewhere.

I do think the final recipe is different enough that it should have a different name. The ingredients and 2:1:1 proportions were broadly agreed upon for the first couple of decades after it appeared in print, including by both of the Two Great Harries of Prohibition (Craddock and MacElhone). Or so I learn from the only serious treatment of the drink’s history I’ve yet found, written in German by Armin Zimmermann of Bar Vademecum and gamely translated by Google.

Armin’s article also reprints a few dozen recipes for the Quaker’s Cocktail, from books going back to 1923. Orange does show up twice, including in a 1948 recipe from Trader Vic, although in both of its appearances it’s replacing the lemon juice rather than supplementing it. I could probably get away with saying I was splitting the difference with my version and stick to the ‘Quaker’ moniker, but not one single recipe in the entire list uses bitters of any kind.

So, the question now is what to call the new one. Please feel free to comment or email me with your opinions! In the meantime, here’s my shortlist:

  • Fighting Quaker - A nickname of Nathanael Greene, a Revolutionary War general from Rhode Island who was also dubbed the Savior of the South for his successes in that theater of the war. Nods at the drink’s heritage, the geographic origins of the added ingredients, and my strong affection for New England. Also feels more like the name of a cocktail than “Quaker’s Cocktail” does. I’d say this is the leading candidate right now.

  • Canaveral - Did you know Richard Nixon was a Quaker? And although it was Kennedy who promised we’d get to the moon by the end of the decade, Nixon was president when we actually got there. It’s a deeper cut, but I got here by saying, “Hmm. Oranges. Florida. What’s the strongest connection I can make between Quakers and that?” And like ‘Fighting Quaker,’ it’s really not a bad name for a drink.

  • Society of Friends - Too on the nose? Perhaps. It’s a version of the term Quakers use for themselves, and I like that it’s also a direct quote from George Pierson’s line about Yale. But there’s still something strange about naming a drink after a booze-skeptical religious group, particularly now that Prohibition is over. (“Fighting Quaker” does this too, but it highlights the irony and doubles down on it, which I think makes much more sense.)

(*) Erik Ellestad of Savoy Stomp went the other way on both, but he found the result underwhelming.

(†) For a refresher:

Ward Eight
1 3/4 oz. 100º Rye
3/4 oz. Grenadine
1/2 oz. Lemon Juice
1/4 oz. Orange Juice

Shake, strain, serve up.

Eagle-eyed readers may note that I also drew on this structure for the Applejack Rabbit recipe published in the last post. Arnholt hit this one out of the park.

Classic Cocktails: Extended

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

Reports of the end of this book-writing process have been greatly exaggerated! It turns out that we still have some space to fill in the page count, which means more recipes are going in.

If you’d like to follow along at home, here are a few that could stand a little feedback! As before, they are all fairly accessible for the home bartender:

Applejack Rabbit
1¾ oz. ~100º Apple Brandy (or 2 oz. ~80º Apple Brandy)
½ oz. Grade B Maple Syrup
½ oz. Lemon Juice
¼ oz. Orange Juice

Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Question: I’m pretty confident in these proportions, but it isn’t coming out quite right for me, because all I have is Grade A maple syrup. Dialing up to ¾ oz. of maple makes it too sweet, in my book, without entirely solving the flavor issue, so I think what it needs is the richness of Grade B in these proportions. My question, then, is simple for those of you possessing Grade B maple syrup: did you enjoy this drink?

2 oz. Rye
1 oz. Grapefruit Juice
½ oz. Grenadine OR Raspberry Syrup

Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Question: Did you use raspberry syrup or grenadine, and what did you think of the result? The Blinker is traditionally a grenadine drink, but Ted Haigh recommended a raspberry version in his influential book Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, which has become the more popular version in recent years. Bonus question: What did you think of the balance of grapefruit juice in the drink? Was it too sour? Not sour enough? Did it meld well with your rye? Etc.!

1½ oz. Reposado Tequila
½ oz. Campari
½ oz. Sweet Vermouth
¼ oz. Dry Vermouth
1 ds. Angostura Bitters OR 2 ds. Angostura Bitters

Stir. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Express a lemon peel over the glass and discard OR express a grapefruit peel over the glass and discard.

Question: Two very subtle variations on this one: how many dashes of bitters to use (1 is fairly standard, but I think I prefer 2) and whether to use a lemon or grapefruit peel for the finishing touch. Let me know which permutation(s) you went with, how you liked the balance, the flavor, the brightness and presence or absence of the citrus, or any other flavor notes you might have.

White Lady
1½ oz. Gin
¾ oz. Lemon Juice
¾ oz. Curaçao or Triple Sec
Egg White

Shake without ice, then again with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


2 oz. Gin
½ oz. Lemon Juice
½ oz. Curaçao or Triple Sec
Egg White

Shake without ice, then again with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Question: The first recipe uses the Savoy Cocktail Book’s proportions, while the second is a more contemporary version. I like one of them better than the other, but I won’t say which just yet; this drink has never been my cup of tea, and I want to make sure that the recipe I include is a good representation of this cocktail, and not simply one I enjoy more because it tastes less like how this cocktail is meant to taste.

Cocktail Syrups for Home Use

The recipes for Classic Cocktails have been tested, and I find myself with bit of breathing room. This seems like a good time to share some syrup recipes for anyone looking to improve their socially distant cocktail game.

Today’s focus is on basic sugar and fruit syrups (I have a followup planned to cover a few more). All of these are reasonably easy to make with common ingredients, but will also accommodate substitutions.

Simple Syrup
1 part White Sugar
1 part Water

Cold Method: Combine ingredients in a container and shake until dissolved. Refrigerate.
Warm Method: Combine ingredients in a pot over medium-low heat and stir until dissolved. Transfer into a container and refrigerate.

Notes: Simple syrup lives up to its name! You can also substitute a more flavorful product, like demerara, turbindo, or muscovado sugar, or a blend of sugars if you want to be fancy.

Rich Simple Syrup
2 parts White Sugar
1 part Water

Warm Method: Combine ingredients in a pot over medium-low heat and stir until dissolved. Transfer into a container and refrigerate.

Notes: You can try the cold method here, but the warm one will work better with this sugar concentration. I prefer to use demerara sugar for my rich simple syrup to get richer flavor and texture all at once.

Grenadine (and other fruit juice syrups)
1 part White Sugar
1 part Pomegranate Juice

Cold Method: Combine ingredients in a container and shake until dissolved. Refrigerate.
Warm Method: Combine ingredients in a pot over medium-low heat and stir until dissolved. Transfer into a container and refrigerate.
Hot Method: Combine ingredients in a pot over medium heat and stir until dissolved. Continue cooking and stirring until mixture is reduced by half, or is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Transfer into a container and refrigerate.

Notes: I’m including the hot method for reference, but I never use it personally; grenadine gets plenty thick enough under the warm method, and if the juice comes to a boil it will change the flavor for the worse. But it’s commonly cited, so I’m including it to make the differences in methods clear.

Optional additions to grenadine include orange flower water, lemon juice, pomegranate molasses, vodka (in a small amount as a preservative), gin (ditto, and for flavor), and brandy (same as gin), but none of these is necessary.

You can also use this technique to make syrups out of other fruit juices! For the most similar results, stick to unsweetened ones with a tart note and not too much fiber or pulp - so, grape and cranberry are in, banana and orange are probably out, etc.

Rasperry Syrup (and other whole-fruit syrups)
2 parts White Sugar
1 part Fresh or Frozen Raspberries
1 part Warm Water

Warm Method: Mash raspberries. Add sugar and mix thoroughly, then allow to sit and macerate for 30 minutes. Add warm (not hot) water and stir until all sugar is dissolved. Strain to remove seeds, transfer into a container, and refrigerate.

Notes: Grenadine and raspberry syrup can often be used as substitutes for one another in cocktails, but there are classic recipes that call for raspberry syrup preferentially (most famously the Clover Club).

As with the grenadine recipe, you can also use this one to make syrups out of other fruits. For best results, stick to ones that have a high water content and pulverize easily - berries are probably your best bet, but I could imagine this method working for something like watermelon, too.

And of course, nothing says you have to use the raspberry syrup in cocktails! You can put it on pancakes or desserts, or stir it into seltzer for a homemade raspberry soda instead.

* * *

All right, let’s put these into some recipes, shall we? To showcase the similar but distinct uses of grenadine and raspberry syrup, consider…

Clover Club
1½ oz. London Dry Gin
½ oz. Dry Vermouth
½ oz. Lemon Juice
½ oz. Raspberry Syrup
Egg White

Shake without ice to unfold egg proteins. Add ice and shake again. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and serve. Optionally, garnish with 2-3 raspberries.

This could be either drink, but it’s the Pink Lady.

This could be either drink, but it’s the Pink Lady.

Pink Lady
1½ oz. London Dry Gin
½ oz. Apple Brandy
¾ oz. Lemon Juice
½ oz. Simple Syrup
½ oz. Grenadine
Egg White

Shake without ice to unfold egg proteins. Add ice and shake again. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and serve.

Classic Cocktails: Last Call

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

My manuscript deadline is looming, so this post will be the last opportunity to influence the contents of Classic Cocktails before it comes out! To that end, I’m skipping the history and the theory and just listing the cocktails I have lingering questions about. If you have feedback on any of these, give me a shout at info@herzogcocktailschool.com as soon as you can!

Don’t worry, I’ll still keep this blog series going after the manuscript is done. There’s a lot that I’ve learned that I’d like to share, and plenty more of these recipes are easy to make at home in a socially distant world. (Plus I now have an interesting story about the Lemon Drop, which is a sufficiently unexpected outcome of all this that I think I have to share it.)

In the mean time, however, if you’d like to help me out and/or see your name in print in the book’s acknowledgements, mix up one of these and tell me what you think:


(Lower-Octane, Original Version)
1½ oz. ~80-proof Rye
¾ oz. ~80-proof Apple Brandy
½ oz. OR ¾ oz. Yellow Chartreuse

Stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with maraschino or brandied cherries.

(Higher-Octane, Contemporary Version)
1½ oz. ~100-proof Rye
¾ oz. ~100-proof Apple Brandy
½ oz. OR ¾ oz. Green Chartreuse

Stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with maraschino or brandied cherries.

Question(s): Did you try the lower- or higher-octane version? Within that version did you try it with ½ oz. or ¾ oz. of the Chartreuse variety specified? Did you find it well-balanced, too spirit-forward, too sweet, not spiritous enough, or not sweet enough?

(Inconveniently, this is both alphabetically first and the one on the list that has the most permutations to inquire about. Your feedback on any one of them will be helpful data in working out an overall consensus; the rest of these are much more straightforward.)

Gin Rickey
1½ oz. Old Tom Gin or London Dry Gin
Juice of ½ Lime
3 oz. Club Soda

Juice half a lime into a highball glass. Add ice, gin, and club soda, and stir. Garnish with the spent lime shell.

Question(s): Is this palatable or too sour? Does it need more soda, more gin, or both?

1½ oz. Gin
¾ oz. Lemon Juice
½ oz. Campari
½ oz. Curaçao or Triple Sec

Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


1½ oz. Gin
¾ oz. Lemon Juice
¼ oz. Campari
¼ oz. Curaçao or Triple Sec

Shake. Serve without ice.

Question: Is this better with the extra ¼ oz. each of Campari and curaçao, as in the top recipe; or without, as in the lower?

2 oz. Blanco Tequila OR 1½ oz. Blanco Tequila
½ oz. Triple Sec
½ oz. Lime Juice
1 tsp. Simple Syrup (or agave syrup, or another sweetener)

Shake with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail grass with a salted rim. Garnish with a lime wheel.

Question(s): Is this better with the additional ½ oz. of tequila, or without? Additionally, what sort of sweetener did you use, and did you find it improved the drink, compromised it, or had no discernible effect?

Pegu Club
1½ oz. Gin
¾ oz. Triple Sec or Curaçao
¾ oz. Lime Juice
2 dashes Angostura Bitters OR 1 dash Angostura Bitters and 1 dash Orange Bitters

Shake with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Question: Is this better with both Angostura and orange, or with just Angostura?

1 oz. Bourbon (~50% ABV preferred)
½ oz. Triple Sec
7 dashes Angostura Bitters
7 dashes Peychaud's Bitters
3-4 oz. Sparkling Wine

Stir all but the wine with ice. Strain into a chilled flute and fill with sparkling wine. Garnish with an orange twist.


Chill all ingredients. Combine bourbon, triple sec, and bitters in a flute and stir, then fill with sparkling wine. Garnish with an orange twist.

Question(s): Which way did you prepare it, and did you enjoy it? What was the proof of the bourbon you used, and did the whiskey flavor come through enough (or too much) for your tastes?

Vodka Espresso
2 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Fresh Espresso
½ oz. Coffee Liqueur
½ oz. Simple Syrup

Shake until foamy. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with three coffee beans, if available.


1½ oz. Vodka
1 oz. Fresh Espresso
¾ oz. Coffee Liqueur

Shake until foamy. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with three coffee beans, if available.

Question(s): Which variation did you use? Did you find it overly sweet or not sweet enough? Too spirit-forward or not spiritous enough?

Vodka Sour
1½ oz. Vodka OR 2 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Simple Syrup
¾ oz. Lemon Juice

Shake. Serve up.

Question(s): Is this better with the additional ½ oz. of vodka, or without? And is the below version perhaps even better?

‘Lemon Drop’
1½ oz. Vodka
½ oz. Simple Syrup
½ oz. Triple Sec or Curaçao
½ oz. Lemon Juice

Shake. Serve up.

Whiskey Sour
2 oz. Bourbon
¾ oz. OR 1 oz. Simple Syrup
¾ oz. Lemon Juice

Shake. Serve down.

Question: Is this better with ¾ or 1 oz. of simple syrup?

The Collins, the Fizz, the Rickey, and the Highball

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

Or, “Long Drinks Part Two: Carbonated Boogaloo.” (It’s been a long lockdown, OK?)

It’s time for another post with a whole bunch of recipes, in the same spirit as our earlier discussion of juice-forward drinks but this time focusing on recipes lengthened with sodas. They fall into three broad categories.

Highball” is a blanket term for simple two-ingredient combination of a distilled spirit and a carbonated mixer over ice, occasionally with a citrus wedge or other garnish. The mixer is usually flavored but plain club soda is sometimes used.

Strictly speaking, the Gin and Tonic and any other drink along those lines belongs to the highball category, but if someone orders a ‘highball’ without specifying further, they’re generally expecting a glass of whiskey with ginger ale or club soda rather than, say, a Rum and Coke. Highballs are straightforward, and I find a 1:2 ratio of spirit to mixer is a pretty solid baseline. Particular recipes follow at the end of this post.

But first, let’s talk about their historically more interesting cousins: the Collins and the Fizz. Why more interesting? First, because they require a bit more technique than highballs do. And second, because they’re very tricky to tell apart. A Collins is made with a spirit base, usually gin, and lemon juice, sugar, ice and seltzer. A fizz is made with a spirit base, also usually gin, and also with lemon juice, sugar, ice, and seltzer.

They may seem like they’re the same damn thing, except that fizzes occasionally have egg whites or yolks added to them (more on this later), and people sometimes say the fizz should be smaller or that it should be served without ice for some reason. That’s pretty thin, and for this reason I was prepared to scratch the whole fizz operation out of Classic Cocktails as redundant, until I read Dave Wondrich’s notes on the traditional distinction between them in his excellent book Imbibe! Here’s how I would summarize his findings:

  • The Collins is a built drink, prepared in the glass it’s going to be served in. It uses a ton of seltzer - 6 ounces, in Wondrich’s recipe - and is served in a tall glass to accommodate all that liquid. Because the preparation process doesn’t chill the drink in any way, it is served with ice. It is expected that the ice will melt, and that it will chill and dilute the drink over time, because it is expected that a drink this large will take a while to consume.

  • The fizz is a shaken drink. All the chilling and dilution it needs comes from the ice in the shaker; it is then strained into a glass and topped with seltzer. It is served without ice, because it’s already cold and no further dilution is desired - but because there is nothing keeping it cold, it is meant to be drunk quickly, before it warms up. Consequently, the amount of seltzer is lower, more like 3-4 ounces against the Collins’s 6, and it is served in a correspondingly smaller glass.

Put another way, the Collins is oriented around being a slow sipper, while the fizz is meant to be drunk more like a shorter cocktail. Everything else about each flows from this: preparation, service on or off the rocks, glass size, even the presence or absence of egg. You can easily dress up a fizz by adding egg whites to the shaker, but you emphatically do not want to try that with a Collins, where you’ll have drippy unintegrated egg swirling around in the glass for the good long while it’ll take you to finish the drink. This is why the fizz can be doctored into other things and the Collins basically can’t. It’s also why certain cocktails come in ‘fizz’ versions, not Collins versions - most notably the Southside, a shaken combination of gin, lemon, sugar, mint, and sometimes orange bitters, which is sometimes topped with seltzer and rechristened the Southside Fizz. The lack of ice also lets the fizz’s effervescence play a starring role (and even an acrobatic one) in the drink’s presentation, as it most notably does in the Ramos Gin Fizz.

And then there is the Rickey, a sort of half-sibling to both the Collins and the fizz. It is fizz-sized, but it is built in the glass and served with ice like a Collins. Its main distinguishing feature is a lack of sugar, followed by its preference for lime rather than lemon juice. It is necessarily the sourest-tasting of the bunch, and it assumes a certain amount of lingering ice-melt to offset its limeyness. The original Rickey was made with whiskey, according to the tastes of its creator and namesake Col. Joe Rickey; but the Gin Rickey has been the more popular sibling for most of their history, heightening the apparent similarity with the Collins and the fizz.

Got all that? OK, let’s do some recipes. These are all super easy quarantine cocktails, but I have the same mild Question for My Tasters about each of them: are you happy with these proportions? As always, drink as many or as few as you like, just let me know which drinks you tried and which spirit(s) you used when providing your feedback!


Tom Collins (pictured)
2 oz. Old Tom Gin (traditionally) or London Dry Gin
1 tsp. Sugar
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon (~3/4 oz. Lemon Juice)
6 oz. Seltzer

Combine gin, sugar, and lemon juice in a Collin glass or other tall glass (if you have a 12- to 16-oz. beer glass lying around, that’ll do nicely) and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add seltzer and plenty of ice, and stir to mix. Enjoy slowly over the course of an afternoon.

For a John Collins, substitute whiskey for the gin; for a Ron Collins, substitute rum.

Gin Fizz
2 oz. Old Tom Gin (traditionally) or London Dry Gin
1/4 oz. Sugar
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon (~3/4 oz. Lemon Juice)

Shake with ice. Strain into an 8ish-oz. highball or juice glass without ice and fill with 3-4 oz. of seltzer. Drink quickly, while it’s still laughing at you. Rum, whiskey, or brandy may be substituted for the gin if preferred.

For a Silver Fizz, add an egg white to the shaker and shake once without ice to unfold the egg proteins before shaking with ice. For a Golden Fizz, add an egg yolk instead.


Southside (pictured)
2 oz. London Dry Gin
3/4 oz. Lemon Juice
3/4 oz. Simple Syrup
~8 Mint Leaves
1 dash Orange Bitters

Shake all but the bitters. Strain into a chilled rocks glass and dash bitters on top. Garnish with a smacked sprig of mint.

For the Southside Fizz, strain instead into a 6- to 8-oz. highball or juice glass and dash bitters on top. Then fill with 3-4 oz. of seltzer and garnish with a smacked sprig of mint.

Gin Rickey
1 1/2 oz. Old Tom Gin (traditionally) or London Dry Gin
Juice of 1/2 a Lime (~1/2 oz. Lime Juice)
3 oz. Seltzer

Juice half a lime into a 6- to 8-oz. highball or juice glass. Add ice, gin, and club soda, and stir. Garnish with the spent lime shell. For a traditional Rickey, substitute whiskey for the gin.

Bourbon Highball
2 oz. Bourbon
4 oz. Ginger Ale or Club Soda

Combine in an 8ish-oz. highball or juice glass with ice and stir.

Gin and Tonic
2 oz. Gin
4 oz. Tonic Water

Combine in an 8ish-oz. highball or juice glass with ice and stir. Optionally, garnish with a wedge of lime.

Cuba Libre
2 oz. Aged Rum
4 oz. Coca-Cola (or similar)

Combine in an 8ish-oz. highball or juice glass with ice and stir. Garnish with a wedge of lime (essential here - both for flavor and because without it, this is simply a Rum and Coke).

The Lemon Drop and the Irish Coffee

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that neither of these Lemon Drops is, in fact, a Lemon Drop, because a Lemon Drop also includes an orange liqueur. How I went all these years without knowing that, I have no idea. In the interest of spreading clarity rather than misinformation, I’m leaving the original post up as it was and adding this disclaimer - note that the proper name for the drinks described herein is, in fact, the Vodka Sour.

I have very little to say about the Lemon Drop. Uncharacteristic of me, I realize. The drink has no particularly interesting history I’m aware of; it’s simply vodka with sugar and lemon juice, and was in all probability invented independently by dozens of people who chanced to have those three things on hand. It’s often served as a shot or falsely called a ‘Martini’, and probably sometimes both.

Not much else to say. It’s not like it doesn’t taste good - it’s basically lemonade with vodka, in a single-serve format - but my usual sources for recipe…research, haven’t spent a lot of time on this one.

Fortunately, sours tend to follow one of a few standard patterns, and I’ve narrowed our Lemon Drop down to two:


Lemon Drop
1 1/2 oz. Vodka OR 2 oz. Vodka
1 oz. 1:1 Simple Syrup
3/4 oz. Lemon Juice

Shake ingredients with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Never call this drink a Martini.

Both versions are much improved by a dash of orange bitters, but this is well outside the tradition of the drink and won’t be included in the book.

Today’s Question for Tasters: Having tried either or both of these, what did you think? Was one too weak? Too strong? Too harsh? Not balanced enough? And if you tried both, which did you prefer?


Our quarantine cocktail today is the Irish Coffee, the recipe for which I am ‘researching’ word-for-word from the Dead Rabbit’s second iteration as documented in Punch.

Irish Coffee
1 1/4 oz. Irish Whiskey
1/2 oz. 2:1 Demerara Simple Syrup
3 1/2 oz. Freshly Brewed Coffee
1 oz. Heavy Cream

Combine whiskey, simple syrup, and coffee in a mug (or, ideally, a 6 oz. heat-safe glass with a handle or stem) and stir. Briefly whisk the cream in a bowl until the bubbles dissipate and its texture is thicker. Float the cream on top of the drink - it should form a layer, not plop in (the latter is aesthetically displeasing, but the drink is delicious either way).

If you don’t have 2:1 Demerara simple syrup, you can substitute 1/2 oz. of 2:1 regular simple syrup, or use 3/4 oz. of 1:1 simple syrup and get to more or less the right level of sweetness. You can also experiment with light cream, whipping cream, half and half, and so on if those are more available to you. The coffee does kind of have to be coffee, and the whiskey Irish. Either way, the drink is a good pick-me-up, and this easy-to-make-at-home version is stolen from the best.

The Long Drinks Project

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

“Long drinks” is a broad term for mixed alcoholic beverages of appreciably greater volume than is the standard for cocktails. In practice, many long drinks can be more precisely described in other ways (e.g. tiki drinks, highballs, bucks, etc.), and the generic term “long drink” is sometimes used to refer specifically to simple combinations of spirits and juices in which the latter predominate.

It will not surprise my readers to learn that these drinks - the Screwdriver, the Cape Codder, and the like - are not ones that I ordinarily order or make. It’s not that they don’t taste good, necessarily. They can and often do! But they’re usually simple and not terribly spirit-forward, two things I don’t look for in an adult beverage.

In any case, a number of them will be included in the book, and this is another category that makes for a pretty perfect twofer post: I’d love to get feedback on the recipes, and I can virtually guarantee that every single one of you will be able to make at least one of these at home.

After a lot of research and contemplation, I determined that I wanted to use the same proportions for these across the board. I don’t want drinkers to have wildly uneven experiences if they’re making all of these at home based on my book, and I do think it makes sense to think of these drinks as having parallel structures until proven otherwise. My working proportions are 1 1/2 oz. of spirit to 4 oz. of juice, which with an eighty-proof spirit gives a mixed drink about 11% alcohol by volume, or something in the ballpark of a glass of wine.

Juice-forward drinks are often elaborations on one of three classics: the Greyhound, the Screwdriver, and the Cape Codder. Here are my takes on a bunch of them. Today’s Question for Tasters: Which drink(s) did you try, and were you satisfied with these proportions? If you weren’t, what would you change (or did you change) to bring the recipe more in line with your tastes?

Note that almost all of these are vodka drinks. In case you don’t have vodka, I note common substitutions in a couple of cases; other substitutions won’t help me much, but you’re welcome to try them recreationally.

1 1/2 oz. Vodka
4 oz. Grapefruit Juice
Combine ingredients in a tall glass with ice and stir.

Salty Dog (Elaboration on the Greyhound)
Prepare in all respects like the Greyhound, but rim the glass with salt before making the drink. (For guidance on salting the rims of glasses, see the previous post.) The Salty Dog may also be made with gin in place of the vodka.

Cape Codder
1 1/2 oz. Vodka
4 oz. Cranberry Juice
Wedge of Lime
Combine liquid ingredients in a tall glass with ice and stir. Garnish with the lime (it is expected that the end user will squeeze the lime into their drink to their personal taste; the lime juice is actually essential to this drink).

Sea Breeze (Elaboration on the Cape Codder)

1 1/2 oz. Vodka
3 oz. Cranberry Juice
1 oz. Grapefruit Juice
Wedge of Lime
Combine liquid ingredients in a tall glass with ice and stir. Garnish with the lime, as in the Cape Codder.

Bay Breeze (Elaboration on the Cape Codder)
1 1/2 oz. Vodka
3 oz. Cranberry Juice
1 oz. Pineapple Juice
Wedge of Lime
Combine liquid ingredients in a tall glass with ice and stir. Garnish with the lime, as in the Cape Codder.

1 1/2 oz. Vodka
4 oz. Orange Juice
Combine ingredients in a tall glass with ice and stir.

Harvey Wallbanger (Elaboration on the Screwdriver)
1 1/2 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Galliano
4 oz. Orange Juice
Combine vodka and orange juice in a tall glass with ice and stir. Float Galliano on top (i.e., pour it gently down the back of a spoon so it forms a layer above the rest; this is traditional for the Harvey Wallbanger, although why it became traditional to float a liqueur on top of a drink that’s nearly the same color, I do not know).

Further Elaborations on the Screwdriver
Back in the Disco Days, many drinks with “clever” and “risqué” names were created as riffs on the Screwdriver, in which some characteristic of the added or substituted ingredients became a descriptor for what kind of “Screw” the person wanted. I may or may not bother to share this information in Classic Cocktails, but if you’re bored at home, here are some Screw variations to play around with. Note that these are stackable - one can have, e.g., a Slow, Comfortable Screw Against the Wall, etc. - and that the Slow Screw is usually the base upon which the others are built:

Comfortable Screw - Add 1/2 oz. of Southern Comfort
Fuzzy Screw - Add 1/2 oz. of peach schnapps
Hard Screw - Add 1/4 oz. of overproof rum
Slow Screw - Add 1/2 oz. of Sloe Gin
Screw Against the Wall - Add 1/2 oz. of Galliano*
Screw on the Beach – Add 1/2 oz. of peach schnapps and replace half the OJ with cranberry juice
Screw with a Bang - (Same as Hard Screw)
Screw with a Kiss - Add 1/2 oz. of Amaretto
Screw with Satin Pillows - Add 1/2 oz. of Frangelico
Left-Handed Screw - Replace the vodka with gin
Mexican Screw – Replace the vodka with tequila (sometimes called “Screw, Mexican Style”)
Wild Screw - Replace the vodka with bourbon
Screw Between the Sheets - Replace the vodka with equal parts brandy and filtered aged rum†
Screw in the Dark - Replace the vodka with an aged or black rum†
Cold Screw - (Sometimes tacked on, referring to the ice)
Elderly Screw - Add 1/2 oz. of elderflower liqueur‡

(*) Generally if Galliano is the only thing added to the drink, it’s still called a Harvey Wallbanger. The “Against the Wall” moniker is deployed only when more than one Screw variation is employed simultaneously.

(†) For rum categorization reference, see the previous post about the Daiquiri. The aged and filtered style of rum common to Cuba and Puerto Rico and generally labeled as “white” seems like the most appropriate one for the Screw Between the Sheets, though if you don’t have that, choose a lighter-bodied “amber” rum aged 1-4 years should work. For the Screw in the Dark, I recommend an aged “amber” rum rather than a sweetened black rum, because the drink is already going to be fairly sugary; but this is a matter of personal taste.

(‡) St. Germain, the first elderflower liqueur, wasn’t released until 2007, long after the heyday of these Screwdriver elaborations. But it’s tasty, you can make a pun out of it at least as readily as you can with with the rest of these liqueurs, and these days it’s likelier to be in most homes than most of them are. So feel free to give it a try as an update to this tradition.

The Daiquiri, Three Ways

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

The Daiquiri is an unambiguous classic: it’s simple, it’s elegant, and it’s delicious. It’s also the archetype of drinks that are easy to make and hard to master, so much so that it’s often held up as a particularly good test to administer to a bartender to see if they know their stuff.

We’re going to do things a little differently today and lead off with a recipe. The Daiquiri is one I’d love to get feedback on and you probably have everything you need for it if you’ve been following along at home. So consider it today’s Question/Quarantine Cocktail:

Still Life of a Daiquiri, No. 67.

Still Life of a Daiquiri, No. 67.

2 oz. White Rum
3/4 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
3/4 oz. 1:1 Simple Syrup

Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail or coupe glass.

That’s the recipe I’m expecting to print in the new edition of Classic Cocktails. But on the night that I tested the Daiquiri, here’s what I actually made:

No Lie, The Best Daiquiri I’ve Ever Made
2 oz. Unaged Rum (House Blend)
3/4 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz. 1:1 Simple Syrup
1 tsp. 2:1 Demerara Simple Syrup

Shake about 1.5x longer than you otherwise would. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.

Let’s review the differences and get to my questions for home tasters from there.

First, I hadn’t meant to use a house blend of rums for the base, but I had (I’d guess) about 1 3/4 oz. of the Wiggly Bridge rum left, so I topped the jigger up with Privateer. Honestly, I think that was a good move, but it’s not necessary to have a house rum blend to make a good Daiquiri.

But let’s investigate our rum terminology a bit. “White,” “silver,” and “light” as rum descriptors are extraordinarily common and basically useless. And so, I’m afraid, are “amber,” “gold,” and “dark.” All of these terms describe the color of the rum, but rum is unusual among spirits in that the color has relatively little to do with the flavor.

One would expect a clear rum to be unaged, but it’s actually very common for them to be aged for 2-3 years* in oak barrels and then filtered before bottling. This is a part of the tradition especially among Hispanophone rum-producing countries - even the lauded white rums of Cuba are generally aged and filtered - and if done well, the filtering process takes the color without stripping away interesting flavor. But that just means the rums will play differently in cocktails than unaged rums would, acting at least somewhat more like lightly-aged rums.

Speaking of which, color is also pretty meaningless in gauging the flavor of brown rums, because color is frequently added. For the most part, this is again done in a way that is supposed to be flavor-neutral: just enough caramel coloring to make a straw-colored aged rum look “amber,” but not enough to be perceptible (caramel coloring has a bitter taste, so the producers really don’t want you to be able to pick it out). But there are instances of unaged rums being colored in the same way, and of course there are many producers throughout the world whose rums are actually, y’know, colored by their aging process and nothing else.

“Dark” rums have the starkest intra-category contrast. Some pretty dark rums get that way from extended wood exposure. But even if a very dark rum has spent a long time in barrels, chances are it gets its hue primarily from added coloring. Often this comes in the form of a big dollop of added molasses, which does change the rum’s flavor, as well as its viscosity. I follow the brilliant recommendation of Martin Cate in Smuggler’s Cove (if you like rum, tiki, cocktail history, or good drinks, pick up a copy to devour while self-isolating) in describing this last group as “black rums,” because they actually are defined by their color. In recipes, you’ll sometimes want to specify a rum with that consistency and profile, but the existing terms are unhelpful. “Dark” can also mean aged and unsweetened/uncolored rums, while the term “blackstrap rum” that has gained some currency is equally useless, because basically all rum that is distilled from molasses is distilled from blackstrap molasses, whether or not more is added for color after distillation.

In Classic Cocktails, I plan to dispense with this nonsense and call specifically for unaged, aged, or black rum, with further precision by island or style as necessary - e.g., “unaged Martinique rhum agricole.”

So, why in the above Daiquiri recipe did I say ‘white rum’? Because consumers mostly don’t know that these color terms are meaningless yet. I have every expectation that some of them will use aged and filtered ‘white’ rums in making the unaged rum recipes. And so, to the…

First Question for Home Testers: I’d like you to try this Daiquiri with whatever sort of white rum you currently have in your house. If you do this, contact me and let me know how you liked the recipe, and whether your white rum is actually unaged or aged and filtered (or you’re unable to determine, in which case please also share the brand name). I believe the recipe will hold up fine regardless.

“But,” I hear you cry, “the title of this post implies three versions of the Daiquiri. What was that about?” I’m glad you asked!

The other big change I made to the Daiquiri recipe for my own preparation, which I think was probably the biggest game-changer in terms of flavor, was to incorporate a teaspoon of 2:1 Demerara simple syrup in addition to the regular 1:1 stuff made with white sugar. It was a stunningly good flavor choice. It also feels kind of fastidious to publish a recipe for a fairly common cocktail that calls for two different kinds of homemade sugar syrup.

So, I’d like you guys to try some variations. The one I led off with, with 3/4 oz. of 1:1 simple syrup, should get you to a similar place in terms of overall sweetness as 1/2 oz. 1:1 simple syrup plus 1 tsp. 2:1 Demerara. I know the second one is really good. I invite you to make it if you have or can easily prepare both kinds of simple syrup. But I need feedback more on the first one, because that’s the one I expect most of the book’s readers will actually end up making.

Additionally, if you’re feeling particularly helpful and/or experimental, I’d like you to try version number three:

The Reverse-Simó-Sidecar Daiquiri
2 oz. White Rum
3/4 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 oz. 1:1 Simple Syrup

Shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail or coupe glass rimmed with sugar.

See, Joaquin Simó advises adding a barspoon of rich Demerara simple syrup to the Sidecar to get it to balance properly - a problem so famously tricky that many contemporary bartenders have written off the Sidecar entirely. Meanwhile Jason Kosmas and Dushan Zaric, in the Employees Only cocktail book Speakeasy (the first good cocktail guide I ever owned, and another excellent read if you’re stuck at home) come out in favor of the semi-traditional sugar rim on the Sidecar for the same reason: it needs that extra touch of sweetness.

In testing the recipes for the new edition of Classic Cocktails, I learned that the Beachcomber also semi-traditionally has a sugared rim, and discovered that a bit of added sugar really does improve the drink. So while it’s not particularly traditional in the Daiquiri, I’d like you to help me test my theory that we can reverse-engineer the effects of the teaspoon of 2:1 Demerara syrup by sugaring the rim of the glass. Which brings us to the…

Second Question for Home Testers: If you can try the first Daiquiri (with 3/4 oz. 1:1 simple syrup), I’d love for you to also try the third (with 1/2 oz. 1:1 simple syrup) and let me know how they compare. Feedback on either independent of the other is of course still welcome.

Never rimmed a glass before? It’s easy. You want to moisten the lip of the glass first, which is best accomplished by getting it nice and cold and using condensation to your advantage. You can put it in the freezer for a little bit or fill it up with ice and wait. If you’re feeling impatient, you can also run an ice cube or a wedge of lime around the edge until it’s sufficiently wet (though note that using the lime will affect the flavor). Then, pour some plain white sugar into a dish. If the dish is large enough, simply overturn the glass into the sugar, press down, and give it a spin or two. Sugar should cling to the glass when you pick it back up. If you have a smaller dish, press one side of the glass into the sugar instead and give it a few gentle spins until the rim is coated. That’s it! You can also use this technique with salt for a Margarita.


(*) 2-3 years is common, but there are other options, too: Bacardi Superior is aged for a minimum of 1 year and then filtered, while Flor de Caña’s white rum is aged for 4 - and they also have an amber rum with the same age statement.

The Manhattan and Margarita

(This post is part of a series that I’m using to help write my next book, the new edition of 100 Classic Cocktails, and provide inspiration for home bartenders in these times of social distancing. Some of the recipes are ones I’m trying to workshop, and I’m asking my readers to test the recipes at home if able and send me their thoughts on the questions I have. Others are ones I think I’ve nailed that can be easily made with common household ingredients, and I’m sharing them to help my readers keep their spirits up while spending a lot more time at home than usual. I’ll always specify which is which. For more background on all of this, including the book, you can check out the first post in the series here. All posts will be tagged “(100) Classic Cocktails”.)

I had planned to write most of these up as single-drink posts, but I’m doing at least this one more as a twofer, if only for the chance to make a punning allusion to a classic of Russian literature.

And guess what? This one’s actually short!

Pay no attention to the Cognac behind the curtain.

Pay no attention to the Cognac behind the curtain.

[The] Manhattan
1 3/4 oz. 100º Rye or 2 oz. 80º Rye
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
2 ds. Angostura Bitters

Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a brandied or maraschino cherry.

The Mahnattan is today’s Quarantine Cocktail, and was the first beneficiary of the conclusion I described in the math section of yesterday’s post, that if you want to substitute a roughly 100º whiskey for a roughly 80º whiskey, you should reduce your pour by a quarter of an ounce in order for the recipe to hold. My higher-proof rye was leaving my Manhattans a bit too hot at a fairly standard 2:1 ratio, so I did some calculations and came up with this substitution. It’s proving to be a godsend for a man in a house full of high-proof liquor.

That brings us to today’s Question Cocktail:

[and] Margarita
2 oz. Blanco Tequila OR 1 1/2 oz. Blanco Tequila
1/2 oz. Orange Liqueur*
1/2 oz. Lime Juice

Shake with ice. Double-strain into a chilled (and, optionally, salted) cocktail or Margarita glass.

Though easy to learn and an unimpeachable classic, the Margarita is hard to master. Not only does tequila vary widely, but your choice of orange liqueur has more of an impact on the end result than is the case with many other drinks. And as I learned the other day while working on the Jasmine, my bottle not be the most representative example.

I was actually able to get this one tested with a group of people before the coronavirus outbreak, but it resulted in a split decision: some felt it was balanced better with 1 1/2 oz. of tequila, and others felt it was better with 2.

So today’s assignment, at least for those who are able to make the Margarita, is to try it once with 2 oz. of tequila, once with 1 1/2 oz. of tequila, and send me your findings, along with the names of the tequila and liqueur brands you’re using. For the rest of you, stay healthy, and remember that many of your local liquor stores are still delivering through Drizly!

(See? I told you it was short!)


(*) While there are technically distinctions to be drawn between triple sec, curaçao, and the like (and there certainly were historically), contemporary product labelling is a jumbled mess. Don’t confuse yourself needlessly. When a recipe calls for anything like this, “orange liqueur” is what is meant in practice. Any sweetened distillate flavored with oranges and bottled at 40% alcohol by volume or less can be used. Whether a given such distillate should be used, or how the recipe should be altered to accommodate its employment, are questions that only experience or experimentation can answer.